Connoisseurs of the ingredients

For over thirty years, the Quartiglia group has been a loyal ally of the finest Italian and international chefs. Passion and dedication constantly drive the group to look for new and updated products and maintain the high standard of quality that has made the group a leading partner of the best Italian kitchens.
A reliable partner in the kitchen.

Extensive research to find and promote the best of European cuisine and ensure the finest dining experience for your customers.

Because product quality matters most to us, we provide continuous quality control to ensure maximum freshness.

Our more than thirty years of experience in the Italian food service industry ensures we provide extra value to our customers.

We have designed and implemented a highly innovative product transportation system that provides efficient and complete coverage of our entire distribution area.



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Check out the innovative Quartiglia e-commerce service.
In a few clicks you can have the best selections of domestic and International products in your kitchen.


A range of over 12,000 items of cutlery, glassware, crockery, accessories and small equipment, disposables and buffet, furniture and large systems for restaurant and professional kitchens.
The selected assortment is specialized to meet the diverse needs of operators in the field of professional equipment, where trends, needs and tastes are constantly evolving.

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